Wednesday 23 February 2022

AlphaMind Podcast #85 Sources of Trading Edge


Finding your trading edge and learning how to sharpen your trading edge, are what ultimately define whether you succeed or fail.

At The AlphaMind Project we believe there's 3 main sources of edge for traders and that these 3 edges support each other to make each edge more potent and powerful.

In this episode, AlphaMind podcast hosts Steven Goldstein and Mark Randall discuss this topic and illuminate for listeners how the development of trading mastery is a multi-year journey which requires a trader to cultivate the ability to combine these edges into a singular sustainable practice, unique to them, and which powers their success in the complex, uncertain and challenging situations they face in financial markets.

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The AlphaMind podcast is co-hosted by Steven Goldstein and Mark Randall. To find out about AlphaMInd more visit the AlphaMind website.

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In the brutal world of trading and markets, we can often turn in on ourselves, and end up becoming our biggest problem. The ability to stay ...